Announcement on the Temporary Suspension of Internet Banking Service (10-11 August 2019)

Dear customers,

To provide better financial products and services, we will upgrade our systems from August 10th to August 11th, 2019. During the period of upgrade, our Internet Banking Service will be suspended as the following details:

Business type Time of suspension
Internet Banking/Mobile Banking   August 10th , 2019 at 22:45 PM to August 11th ,2019 at 05:30 AM

We will make efforts to shorten the suspension period. If the suspension is shorter than that mentioned above, all the transactions through Internet Banking submitted by customer will be valid.

We apologize for any inconvenience arising from the system upgrade. For any questions, please contact Call Center 02-679-5566 or visit us at all branches.

Please be apologized for any inconvenience.

Bank of China (Thai) Public Company Limited

9 August 2019